Why is Pickleball the fastest-growing sport? Is it safe for 60+ age group to play?

Raj Pusuluri

Updated on:

elderly male playing pickleball

In this article, we will explain the history of pickleball; why is pickleball the fastest-growing sport in America? how to play? Is it safe for the 60+ age group to play? Link to the official website of the USA pickleball organization.

Pickleball is a fast-growing sport in the United States. The sport was invented in 1965 by retired tennis player Joel Pritchard. He was looking for a way to play tennis with his wife and some friends on the courts at their retirement community. He came up with “PICKLEBALL” by combining elements of tennis, badminton, and table tennis. It’s easy to learn and play

The game has since spread across the country, and there are now over 1,000 pickleball courts in the United States alone. It’s safe for all ages, with no real risks involved—the worst that could happen is someone gets hit by the ball!

Here are a few reasons why it’s growing so fast.

  • Fun game for all ages
  • Low-impact sport
  • Easy to learn
  • Good Socialization

Pickleball Rules:

  • Singles: One person per side (most common way)
  • Doubles: Two people per side (most common way)
  • Triples: Three people per side (rarely played)
  • Serve from anywhere behind the baseline or from behind half court if you’re playing singles or doubles

1) Divide into teams of two or four players each; partners may be same gender or mixed

2) Each team gets one or two paddles (depending on how many players there are on each team)

3) Each team occupies half of the court; the back boundaries are marked with lines drawn across the baseline at an angle of 45 degrees from each other; serve from just behind these lines

4) The ball must hit the ground before it is returned (except by a serve); if it hits a player before hitting the ground then they can return it directly to their partner without having it bounce first

Is it safe for 60+ age group to play pickleball?

Yes! It’s a great way to stay active and have fun. The game is low-impact and easy on the body, so you can play it for years without worrying about injuries. Plus, it helps keep your mind sharp by requiring quick thinking and reflexes. However, players must stretch and warm up to avoid potential injuries. If you have never played before, it is highly recommended that you see a physical therapist at least once for screening and to get a stretching or exercise program that can build your muscle strength and improve flexibility.

Pickleball has been shown to have positive effects on balance, flexibility, coordination, and strength in older adults!

Here is the link to enjoy the comedy star-studded PICKLEBALL COLBERT CUP CHALLENGE

Here is the official link to usapickleball.org to learn more facts, rules and history. CLICK HERE

Here is the link to the Amazon.com pickle ball shopping page. CLICK HERE

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